Health and safety

Kenya is a comparatively safe African destination and main tourist zones are in general safe to visit. However there are still plenty of pitfalls for the unwary or inexperienced traveler

We highly recommend you to refer to official websites in your country as to what is actually needed or recommended when you plan to travel to Kenya. This also depends on the actual situation in Kenya.

If you are travelling from Denmark it is possible your to register your stay in Kenya on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark website (Danskerlisten). This registration gives the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark the opportunity to contact Dansh citizens abroad in case of an emergency and provide information about a safe and quick way to leave the country.

Please refer to the Lonely Planet official website for other recommendations regarding health and safety including vaccinations.

At Nyati Hill the area is fenced and the gate is locked day and night in order to keep out the wild life. The area around the gate has video surveillance and if needed the alarm system will call watchmen to the place in a few minutes.

Nyati Hill is participating in a day and night watch of traffic in and out of the area. At the start of Mbagathi Road there is a post for the control of all cars and persons getting into the area where the school and Nyati Hill are situated together with an increasing number of houses.